Of Monsters and Men

Jul 30, 2023    Pastor Brent Swanson

Brent Swanson preaches the sixth sermon in our "Daniel: The Life in Exile" series, entitled ''Of Monsters and Men" based on Daniel 7:1-14.

Whether speaking of the academy, the media, government, business, popular entertainment, the arts, or social media—our culture is growing more out of step with Christian beliefs and values. How do we engage as Christians with such a culture? What posture do we take towards outsiders? How can we be a faithful presence in a post-Christian world? Daniel provides an example for us to follow. As a Jewish exile in Babylon, he remains faithful to his convictions, refusing to compromise with Babylonian belief and practice. At the same time, he is not afraid to engage deeply in the life of that pagan city. He works for justice and prays for the peace of Babylon, gains the respect of his co-workers and neighbors, and navigates the tricky balance of being in the culture (and for the culture), but not of the culture. Join us over the next several weeks as we study the Book of Daniel in order to learn how to be a faithful presence in a post Christian world.