High School & Jr High Fellowship
Fellowship is a place where all students are welcome, no matter what they believe, who they are, or what they’re going through. We believe that everyone belongs at Fellowship even before they believe in Jesus.
We keep it light on rules here at Fellowship, but there are 5 house rules we follow:
1. Be Yourself.
2. Let others be themselves.
3. Have fun!
4. Respect the house.
5. And learn how to follow Jesus.
1. Be Yourself.
2. Let others be themselves.
3. Have fun!
4. Respect the house.
5. And learn how to follow Jesus.

Wednesday Night Fellowship
Jr High & High School 6:30 -8:30pm
Our 7th-12th grades meet together to hang out, play games, eat a free dinner provided by members of our church, worship through singing and hear a scripture based message given by our youth pastor or one of our adult leaders. After the message, we split up into our gender & age-specific small groups led by our awesome, adult leaders! We meet at the Hoffmeister Center in The Rock. If you'd like to receive weekly parent emails
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and High School Groups on Instagram!
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and High School Groups on Instagram!
Community Groups
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
Community groups are for students who want to grow deeper in their faith and relationships with other students and adult leaders. They are smaller groups of less than 10 students that meet together to read through scripture and talk about how it should affect how we should live.
Student Community Groups
Jr High guys: Sundays 11:45am-1:00 PM at CPC in the gym with Tyler & Alex
7th-10th Grade Girls: Sunday nights 5:30-7:00 PM at the Spencer's
High School Guys: Sundays 11:45am-1:00 PM at CPC in The Rock with Rob & Seth
11th-12th Grade Girls: Sunday nights 7:30-9:30 PM at Kathryn C’s
7th-10th Grade Girls: Sunday nights 5:30-7:00 PM at the Spencer's
High School Guys: Sundays 11:45am-1:00 PM at CPC in The Rock with Rob & Seth
11th-12th Grade Girls: Sunday nights 7:30-9:30 PM at Kathryn C’s

Student Ministry Vision
Our student ministry exists to form students in the way of Jesus so that they can experience transformation in all areas of their lives. We want students to not just retain information about God, faith, and the Bible, we want them to actively follow Jesus in their daily lives and to bring renewal wherever they go. We believe that the best way for this to happen is to through the context of relationships. We are better together and need each other. All of our programs have opportunities for students to strengthen relationships with others and with adult leaders who care about them and want to see them do well in life by showing them how to follow Jesus.